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Enhancement: Stormstrike, Shock, LIGHTNING!

Started by Vitandus, Wed, 2010-03-17 : 16:22

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Bear in mind what follows is based on my limited time as a level 80 shaman. I'll change it as I get more data, and please add your own feedback.

This is my current build.  I may change my build later to this build, which adds Improved Fire Nova. My thoughts follow.

On the Enhancement side:

  • I've seen some shamans fully loading Ancestral Knowledge since it buffs your Intellect, which increases your Attack Power and mana pool. I believe the 3 points spent here are better spent in other talents.
  • I currently have Improved Shields at maximum rank. The boost with Static Shock is a solid DPS boost, and the T9 2 set bonus gives you a higher chance to proc. I may drop this down to 1 point for my second build as the shield DPS boost does not compare to the Flame Nova damage.
  • I've seen shamans not put points into Improved Windfury Totem, or only 1 point. I put both points in the talent to ensure maximum raid buff. We don't usually have a Frost DK, so this made sense to me.
  • I have Improved Stormstrike maxed right now since my gear is short on Intellect, so I am often mana starved even with Shamanistic Rage. With better gear, a better mana pool, and more replenishment in raids, this will be dropped for Flame Nova as well.
  • Shamanistic Rage – don't skip it. It's wicked in both PVE and PVP with the damage reduction and the mana regeneration. I don't see any reason why some shamans skip this.
  • Maelstrom Weapon is a core Enhancement talent. Just remember that it cover not just Lightning and Chain Lightning, but your heals as well. It is very similar to the Paladin Art of War talent with instacast Flash of Light proc, but so much better.
  • I've seen some Shamans skip Feral Spirit since the spell has a cooldown. I disagree with this thinking. The DPS boost is short lived, but you can call the wolves twice in a longer boss fight and the boost is substantial.

On the Elemental side:

  • You are building to Elemental Fury, which will boost your shock damage and make Flametongue on your off-hand weapon viable.
  • Ensure you get Elemental Devastation. It will turn you into a critical strike-generating machine, and if you get a Windfury proc on top of your crits, the damage you do is frightening. Yes, RNG can be a bitch, but there is nothing better than seeing someone get blasted out of existence with a proc streak.
  • Fire Nova is a tremendous boost to DPS with any pack with 3+ mobs. It will drain your mana very quickly, so be aware of that with the ability to use it more often with this talent.
  • Some shamans that take Improved Fire Nova also take Elemental Focus to help with the mana issues. Since I have not tried my second build yet, I can not report on the need.

My glyphs are easy: Feral Spirit for more wolf damage, Stormstrike to boost my damage even more, and Windfury for more procs. Some Shamans use Glyph of Lightning Shield to maximize their Static Shock procs, but I prefer boosting the three abilities mentioned. Minor glyphs are open choice. Water Walking, Water Breathing, and Renewed Life all remove the need to carry reagents. Astral Recall means quicker trips.



Your rotation is not set in stone. For most mobs, I open with a Stormstrike since it's an instant attack and boosts the Nature damage of my following attacks. I follow with a Lava Lash to take advantage of my Flametongue-enhanced off-hand, and then choose a Shock. For fights lasting more than 18 seconds, I then hit with a Flame Shock, which puts the DoT on the mob. Following shocks are Earth Shocks until Flame Shock is expired. To maximize DPS, do not clip Flame Shock.

I have an audio cue for MW5 (Maelstrom Weapon 5 stack) procs to immediately cast. To maximize your DPS, you should always stop casting and immediately use the proc. You'll sometimes be caught in a GCD which makes this even more important. On long fights, you will hear/see the stacks chain very quickly.  Remember that you can use your MW5 procs to instacast Chain Heal, Healing Wave, and Lesser Healing Wave. Since Shamans cannot absorb damage like the plate-wearing DPS classes, you may need to heal rather than do damage.



I use macros for nearly every core ability. (More coming)