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Resto? Is it Fun?

Started by Daemus, Fri, 2009-10-02 : 15:31

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I read a really, really nice write up on Shaman healing ( and just happened to take a look at the resto tree.  There is some really cool stuff in there.

I've been playing my rogue alt lately when I'm on trying to level her up, but to be honest, I've lost the desire to push myself on the dps-side of things.  I enjoy healing, it's fun (for me at least), and I'm always looking at the different healing classes in Wow. 

I started the whole healing fiasco back when Burning Crusade came out and I rolled my Pally.  Of course frustration set in with the lack of AoE healing (since I primarily ran 5 mans back then, I was the only healer in the group).  I then decided to roll my Priest, and I find it much better then the Paladin, but It still feels like I'm missing something.  I keep wondering what the other healing classes are like, and that leaves me looking at the Shaman (I have an Orc shaman thats  about level 24).  I tried to play a Druid, but I don't think rollin the HoTs is the type of healing class I'm looking to play.

I know both Joe & Geroge play resto shamans....Thoughts guys?

P.S. - It has nothing to do with the new totems, even though they do look cool.


I love healing on my shaman, much more than I do dpsing on her.  They have very strong AoE healing with chain heal, and can main tank heal in a pinch if glyphed accordingly.  You have the ability to heal a large group of folks at once like a druid, but you have the flexibility to quickly lay down some large heals (without shifting out of form as a Druid would for a healing touch.)

Couple that with one of the best buffing classes in the game, bloodlust, and a nice Horde feel, and you've got a pretty awesome class. :)

Weaknesses: Chain heal is nigh useless if you focus on a target that is by itself - IE - OMG THAT ROGUE IS REALLY HURT BUT SO ARE THE OTHER MELEE, MUST CHAIN HEAL only to find out the rogue has run away, and your chain heal only hit him.  Also, single target healing is not quite as strong as a paladin or priest.  With earth shield and lesser healing wave spam you can keep a tank alive, but unless you have the GCDs to get a riptide off to speed up a Healing Wave, you usually aren't going to be blasting a tank up to full health from near death in one heal.  And while totems are awesome for buffing, you need to keep an eye on both their range and their life, as in some encounters they will be killed, or you may move out of range of them.

Speaking of Riptide, it is an amazing spell.  I tend to use it every time the cooldown is up.

Now, I haven't raided as much as the Progressionist shaman, so I suppose they'll have a little more insight.


Thanks for the input Skippy.  I will comment on your thoughts of getting a tank to full from one heal as a priest.  It doesn't happen regardless of spec for me.  Greater Heal is just a P.O.S. spell in my opinion.  If it crits, I might get an 18K heal, but more often then not it's about 10-11K.  Those values are usually raid buffed with 2800+spell power.  I guess we do have an arsenal of spells as most healers would, to blast a tank to full hp.

Hell, my pally when I healed on him with crap-tastic gear (like 1600-1700spell power), could get almost 22K holy light crits.  I can just imagine what kind of heals a well geared pally can put out.  I don't really see Penance doing that much either...  but that's enough on the whole priest and healing thing for me.  I have some of my own issues with the priest class, which can sometimes frustrate me to no end :)


I've never been blasted when tanking. There's no way a healer is going to take a raid buffed tank from Red Zone to Full in one hit.


Yeah, its fun - but I don't think any better than another healer.

I love the flexibility of Resto-Ele.  I got a few pieces I use in both sets, namely weapon and shield.

I prefer Riptide+LHW to CH, but they both have their uses.

Ele certainly has its own things to learn compared to resto, and I spend almost as much time reading about ele as I do resto.


Now that Blood is level 80 and healed some heroics, I can add my 1ยข. I enjoy Restoration Shaman healing more fun than Paladin healing - just something about it fits me better. I also like this aspect: