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Shaman Cataclysm talent tree

Started by Vitandus, Thu, 2010-07-01 : 10:37

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Restoration tree thoughts:

Focused Insight is tier 4, where Tidal Mastery was. This gives Restoration shamans an incentive to attack, much like Holy Paladins with Judgements now.
Healing Way in tier 5 adds Greater Healing Wave.
Ancestral Resolve reduces damage when casting spells. PVP only?
Improved Cleanse Spirit replaces Cleanse Spirit and removes Magic effects. Obviously a must-have for Restoration shamans.
Nature's Blessing increases your healing by 4% of Intellect, down from 5%.
Earth Shield is a stand-alone power now.
Empowered Healing now adds a nice 7% bonus to the new Greater Healing Wave, and less to the smaller heals. 
Telluric Currents is very interesting. Your Lightning Bolts grant mana equal to 15% of damage dealt. I hope this means unlike the pure frenzies whack-a-mole of Wrath that healers can cycle, think, plan.

One Ear

Elemental Focus also changed to allow mana return on healing. That will go away, I think, as they are doing with Holy pallies and (Illumination?). Although, I like the mechanic of making there incentive for healers to do damage.... as long as healers also have the ability to use it. Which I would be surprised if they actually end up allowing to be done given the historical perspective.

pre-BC: Healers will have to manage mana now.
BC release: I have NO mana!
BC 6 months in: I can spam heals.
pre-Wrath promise: Healers will have to manage mana now.
Wrath release: I have NO mana!
Wrath 6 months in: I can and _MUST_ spam heals.
pre-Cataclysm: Healers will have to manage mana now.
. . .

The reason is that Blizz still hasn't realized that mana usage doesn't increase beyond spamming heals, but mana regen with gear does. Expect the same with Cataclysm. It's basic math. Healers don't want to run out of mana. It is seriously not fun and nothing a healer can really address when DPS stands in the fire or does other stupid things. Making a wipe the healers fault because they ran out of mana is not making healing fun. So, I expect that the current spam will resurface quickly as gear inflation continues to occur.

Although, since BC I have been saying health pools were too low for damage from bosses and PvP. They say they have addressed that finally.... have to see. But I seriously doubt it.