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Enhancement shamans in Cataclysm

Started by Vitandus, Sun, 2010-12-12 : 16:35

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My current build: 10/31/0 This is a work in progress.



Glyph of Lava Lash is the only one you should absolutely have.
Glyph of Feral Spirit - we tend to pop Spirit Wolves in critical fights, and every bit of DPS helps. My second choice.
Glyph of Windfury Weapon - more speed is more damage. This is my other choice.
Glyph of Stormstrike is not bad choice. I simply opted for the others.


Very much depends on your style of play. I chose Lightning Shield, Healing Stream, and Ghost Wolf.


I chose the ones that meant no carrying reagents. These don't really matter for us.

Weapon Imbues:

Windfury on main hand, Flame Tongue on second. Some sims showed FT/FT or FT/MW with caster weapons or a main hand caster weapon. Most of these sims were based on 4.0.1 numbers, and do not appear to be relevant now.

Priority in combat:

Enhancement Shamans have long used a priority system for their abilities.  Based on my limited numbers, our priority should look like the following.

  • Keep your Searing Totem active.
  • Lava Lash - this does a major part of your damage now.
  • MW5 procs - use Lightning Bolr or Chain Lightning when you hit 5 procs. Remember, though, you are hybrid so use that instacast for healing or hexing as needed.
  • Unleash Elements - this not only does damage, but increases your damage from your imbues and other abilities
  • Storm Strike
  • Flame Shock or Earth Shock - the former should be kept active as much as possible, with Earth Shocks mixed in as fillers. Some Shamans say Flame Shock should be a top priority when coupled with the Unleashed Flame buff. That system may work for you - I prefer my method.
  • Spirit Wolves as needed.

One thing on the priority list not mentioned was keeping Lightning Shield active. I have found it is a significant part of my damage. A lot of articles on the Interwebs say it isn't important, but my numbers show differently. It is true I have not raided, but normal and heroic dungeons show it to be high on the list.

Stats ranking:

Hit (under spell cap) > Expertise (under cap) > Agility >= Mastery > Crit >= Haste > Hit > Intellect = Strength > Spell Power


From a boss fight with a lot of movement (Dragha heroic):

Recount - Bloodcarver's Hostile Attacks
1. Melee 146 265909 (23%)
2. Flametongue Attack 67 136215 (12%)
3. Lava Lash 9 133358 (12%)
4. Windfury Attack 28 125575 (11%)
5. Searing Flames (DoT) 45 68750 (6%)
6. Flame Shock (DoT) 42 66803 (6%)
7. Lightning Bolt 7 66534 (6%)
8. Earth Shock 8 56214 (5%)
9. Stormstrike 16 53036 (5%)
10. Lightning Shield 12 52113 (5%)
11. Unleash Flame 7 41880 (4%)
12. Flame Shock 11 38205 (3%)
13. Chain Lightning 2 25601 (2%)
14. Unleash Wind 7 20146 (2%)
15. Searing Flames 3 0 (0%)